Birth Doula

Birth Doula Services

Heart/Yoliztli Package | Two prenatal visits where we will, among other things, discuss your desires for birth and how to support recovery

  • Practice breathing techniques tailored to your needs

  • Create an ideal birth plan and discuss the best ways to achieve it

  • Labor positions for comfort and progress, relaxation tips

  • Guidance in understanding the risks, benefits and alternatives to many routine interventions

  • On-call 2 weeks before the due date and 2 weeks after, as well as 24/7 on call support during your labor and birth

  • Continuous labor support from the time that active labor begins until your baby is born

  • After your baby is born, I will stay until you’ve established breastfeeding and your family is ready to be left to bond

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Includes: Both Birth Doula and Postpartum Doula

This complete care service includes two postpartum sessions with a hands-on belly binding demonstration and materials for later use, herbal sitz baths, instruction on infant massage, Craniosacral and Reflexology therapeutic massage, rebozo closure of the bones, and a $100 discount on placenta encapsulation. Also, meal preparation and a lactation tea blend. This service targets total care for the mother in the fourth trimester. Personalized packages meeting your individual needs are available.—